Hall of Fame

An inductee into the Ontario Masters Athletics Hall of Fame has made an outstanding contribution to Masters Athletics in the province, or has had a sustained career of world-class performances. Members may nominate a candidate at any time in one of the following categories: Athlete, administrator, builder, supporter or official. Induction is made at the discretion of the AO Masters Council.


List of Inductees

2024 Hall of Fame Inductee

Michael Sherar

2023 Hall of Fame Inductee

Jean-Pierre Mayer

2022 Hall of Fame Inductee

Barb Dabrowski

2021 Hall of Fame Inductee

Norm Creen
Induction Video

2019 Hall of Fame Inductees

Lily Whalen

John Kasperski


2018 Hall of Fame Inductee

Paul Osland
Induction Speech


2015 Hall of Fame Inductees


Richard Kihn  


 Kerry Smith


2014 Hall of Fame Inductee


Doug Smith
Induction Speech


2013 Hall of Fame Inductees  


(Bill, Earl, Ray C, Ray W, Ed, Nanci)

 Ray Cardinal

Jim Flowers

Nanci Patten Sweazey

M80 Relay Team  Earl Fee, Bill Thompson, Ray Wardle, Ed Whitlock


2012 Hall of Fame Inductees

Jerry Kooymans

Max Woerle


2011 Hall of Fame Inductees

2011 Photo

(June-Marie, Jaan, Molly, Rhona)

Stan Egerton

June-Marie Provost

Jaan Roos

Rhona Trott

Molly Turner


2010 Hall of Fame Inductees

2010 Photo

(Brian, Stuart, Bob)

Kurt Gelbhaar

Brian Keaveney

Bob Moore

Stuart Summerhayes

Karl Trei

Art Taylor


2009 Hall of Fame Inductees

2009 HOF Garry

Garry Bachman

2009 HOF Jim

Jim Pascoe


2006 Hall of Fame Inductees

Karla Del Grande

Earl Fee

Jean Horne

Ed Whitlock

2005 Hall of Fame Inductees

Don Farquharson

Whitey Sheridan